OK, have been dying to post these pictures but had to wait until they were at their destination to be fair to Angela my swap sister and I didnt want to spoil it for her either. As part of my UStamp participation I chose to include myself in a project sister swap 'across the seas' hehehe :) We were paired up at random with another member from somewhere around the world and Angela was my swap sister. So I got to work early and produced this collection of items. It consists of a Lindt chocolate block holder, a CD tin with gift cards, pen and calendar and one of my soap boxes (yes I know you are thinking where is the tutorial which I said I would post on an earlier post for this, I promise it is coming, never done one before and wanna get it right). I have also attached the beautiful cards that Angela sent me as well as a little matchbox (Thanks Angela). I love these cards, they are sooooo cute and especially as they contain some colours that I would not normally use. You may be thinking what is it with me and the Urban Garden DSP lately, well let's just call it a phase shall we, it's taking all my energy to stay away from PINK.

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